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发布者:admin 发布时间:2020/2/25 阅读:6099

华为视频会议TE60可以同时连接三个摄像机:HD-VI接口可同时连接两个HUAWEI VPC600或者VPC620高清摄像机,DVI-I接口用于连接主摄像机,输入主视频图像。
HD-VI接口标配HUAWEI VPC600/VPC620,连接后,无需其他线缆即可实现对HUAWEI VPC600/VPC620的PTZ控制和供电。
登录TE60 Web界面,选择“系统配置 > 输入输出”,单击“视频输入”页签,正确选择所连接的摄像机的类型,和正确选择与摄像机控制接口相连的串口后,才能控制摄像机。


The TE60 can connect to three cameras at the same time. The HD-VI port can be connected to two HUAWEI VPC600 or VPC620 HD cameras at the same time. The DVI-I port can be connected to the center camera for video input.
The HD-VI port is connected to the HUAWEI VPC600/VPC620. After the connection, the HD-VI port can be used to control the PTZ and supply power to the HUAWEI VPC600/VPC620.
After connecting a camera to the DVI-I port, connect the VISCA control signal cable to the COM port on the endpoint.
Log in to the TE60 web interface, choose System Settings > Input/Output, and click the Video Input tab. Select the type of the camera to be connected and the serial port connected to the camera control port.

上一条:宝利通视频会议中双流不能满屏显示怎么办? 下一条:华为视频会议TE终端如何控制本地或远端摄像机